Sunday, August 29, 2010


The following will be a very choppy and stream-of consciousness type post. Sorry.

So last week we got the twins dedicated at church. The babies did well at the ceremony, nobody cried, everyone stayed awake, it was all good. Pastor Mike dedicated Melody, and Pastor Keith dedicated Patterson. We had Tessa on stage with us, and she was pretty good too. Melody went first, and Tessa was okay with that, but when Keith started with Patterson she got a little upset. "Give him back. Give him back." Very protective, that girl. Fortunately she didn't say it loud enough for anyone to hear her and once she realized that Keith wasn't going to keep Patterson she was fine. In fact, after a while I had to hold her back from getting back up on stage with other families. Wonder where she gets that stage thing from? Hmmm....

Anyway, it was a good ceremony and I'm glad we did it. This is the first step in getting the kids on the right track as far as their spiritual journey goes. So far we've done pretty well with Tessa, she loves going to her Sunday school class, she sings the songs, she prays at dinner and, though I'm sure she doesn't quite understand yet, she knows the terminology and that Jesus is her friend and God loves her. Pretty good for two years old. We may not be perfect in the religion department, but we try to point our kids the right way, and try to get a little better ourselves one day, week, sermon at a time.

Speaking of Pastor Keith Scarborough, he is leaving our church to start a new church plant in the Shaw neighborhood downtown. Keith is a good, genuine guy and has enriched our lives through his sermons and presence at Morning Star church. His attitude and sense of humor are some of the reasons I was drawn to this church to begin with. He will be missed, but I'm sure he will find success in his new church. I'm going to try to attend and possibly volunteer once they open in January, but we'll see what form that may take. Anyway, like I said, Keith's a stand-up guy, so give him a prayer if you're so inclined.

This coming weekend is Labor Day, and all that entails. More on that later, but I'll mention now that I actually have all three days off this year. Doesn't happen much so I'm excited. Among the plans I'm making for the weekend is getting a hair cut. The plan now is to get on the twice-a-year plan. So I'll be getting a cut on Labor Day and St. Patrick's Day each year. Partially because it's easy to remember, but also because it might make for some funny cuts in March after celebrating all day. But, once again, that's the plan now. We'll see what happens when I get in the chair, I may wuss out and not go that short. It also may not work depending on how short I go and how quick the hair grows, but I'm going to try it. So if I look like a total freak for a while, you know why.

I've been watching Man V. Food all night. I kinda feel full, and really want a steak. Weird.

Funny thing from work.

I work with a guy named Norm (and I only use his real name because a.)this is funny and b.) I'm pretty sure he would want credit for the line. Anyway, the thing about Norm is that he's not afraid to tell you when he doesn't like doing something, even if you're the customer. So the other day a customer walks in with a book of stamps, and Norm is, reluctantly, the stamp guy.

Norm: Welcome, may I help you?

Customer: I have a book of stamps with me that have been sitting in my parent's house and haven't seen the light of day for fifty years.

Norm: Jesus, I wish you'd have said "seventy", 'cause that would be twenty years from now.

So that's about it lately. Been playing with my new iTouch a bit, that's fun. Listening to a lot of Rush and the new Iron Maiden CD, "The Final Frontier". About 4 out of 5 Daves for those who care-the first half is very good, and three of the others are top notch as well, and the whole thing is leaps and bounds ahead of the last record, so I like it. There's your quick review. Probably my quickest ever. Neat. Also still working with my brother on getting the next version of our band together. More on that story as it develops.

Alright, see you all soon. And remember kids, if you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding. (How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?)

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