Monday, August 2, 2010

Late Post/Pre Primary

I meant to put this up yesterday, but didn't finish in time. Better late than never though, right?

So tomorrow (or today, whenever you read this) is the Primary election. Apart from the local races, the main issue on the ballot here in Missouri is Proposition C. For those who may still be unfamiliar, if this thing passes (which, sadly, I believe it will) Missourians will be allowed to opt out of National health care. Sounds vaguely harmless on the surface, but let's take a closer look.

First of all, anyone who thinks they're voting against the National health care bill ( I refuse to call it "Obamacare"-how insulting. This idea dated back to Teddy Roosevelt, you know.). If you think that's what's happening here, you're barking up the wrong tree.

As it stands now, the proposition would allow individuals not to participate in the National health care program, which is only a step away from the entire state not participating. I really think that's the real goal here. The supporters of Prop. C want to be able to say after the elections that their victory proves that the state doesn't want to be included in the health care program. They will then begin the process of opting out entirely. And that's where it gets dangerous.

You see, the real issue these people are putting forth is state rights vs. national rights. Now, we all know that Federal law trumps State law, but with enough appeals there can be exceptions. That, my friends, is what we call bad news. It's also embarrassing as it makes our state look like backwards hicks who wouldn't know progress if it came up and bit us.

But here's the really scary's not just Missouri. There are I believe ten other states trying to get around National health care as well. You know, the last time a bunch of states got a bug up their butts and decided that they weren't going to follow Federal laws a little thing called the "War Between the States" broke out. That's right folks, the good ol' Civil War (a true oxymoron if there ever was one).

Okay, it sounds a bit absurd, but don't be so quick to laugh. The divides in this country are growing deeper. The line between the haves and have-nots is getting wider. Politics are tearing apart our society. Tensions have not been so high since the Sixties (Kent State, anyone?), it's getting to the point where it's almost impossible to have a discussion with someone from the other side without it degenerating into a shouting match strewn with insults. Most people can't form a political opinion on their own, they need the yakkin' heads from Fox News or CNN or wherever to do it for them. Racism is just as prevalent as ever, and in my eyes seems to be getting worse (Hi Arizona!). And all this without even taking the Teabaggers into consideration. It's getting bleak out there, folks.

You know, I've actually been hearing talk from overseas for years now about the civil war they believe is brewing in this country. Well, I watch BBC World News a lot, whaddya want? Anyway, I'm beginning to think they might be right. I mean, there's been a lot of civil wars throughout history, we're just such a baby country we've only had one and don't see the signs. I always thought that if we had another civil war it'd be based on race, or maybe class, but maybe it'll be purely political. I don't know.

All right, I realise that this got a little nuts and far-fetched, but it's something to think about.

Okay, bottom line time. Apart from the whole State/Fed thing, voting for Proposition C is just plain irresponsible. National health care is law, it will happen. Choosing to opt out is cowardly and shameful...either we're all in or we're all out. And keep in mind, Proposition C has been brought to you by the Conservatives. You know, the "America...Love It Or Leave It" crowd. Apparently they're not loving it right now, so by their own logic...well, I'm just sayin'.

Keep all this in mind, but remember it's just my opinion. Vote your heart, vote your conscience. Just vote. It's the right thing to do no matter which side you're on.

God bless America.

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