And a few close ups:

Unfortunately I don't have a decent pic of the babies with big sister Tessa yet. Part of the reason behind this is because she came down with bronchitis a few days before they came home. Major bummer. On top of that, I've been sick since Saturday. 'Nother bummer. Hence the delay in getting this all posted-today is the first day I've been able to look at the screen for more than three minutes without my head wanting to explode.
Tessa is doing very well with the twins. She tells them she loves them, hugs and kisses them and gives them their binkies. She also randomly takes the binkies away...but that's probably just good practice for big sisterhood later on.
As for the twins themselves, they're very good babies. They're not quite on a schedule yet (not a predictable one anyway), and they tend to wake each other up a lot. Patterson sleeps like a rock. Melody seldom sleeps. But they're both adorable and getting more active daily. It's quite hectic here at the Brink household, but it's all positive and will be well worth it in the end (y'know, when the kids are taking care of us in the old folks home).
It's amazing how much love you can have in your heart to open it up to two brand new people without hesitation. Our trio has turned into a full five piece band and we couldn't be happier. Thanks to everyone who gave us prayers and well wishes along the way. Back soon with more stuff.