Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hoop De Doo AND Dickory Dock

A few random thoughts concerning Christmas

-I still feel like a kid around Christmas time. I'm probably just as excited as my three year old. Been listening to Christmas music since mid November, got the Christmas lights up and tree bought early this year. So why did it sneak up on me so quickly? I got my shopping done, but only because I panicked. Maybe being into the spirit so early this year made it feel like there was more time. Dunno, hope to get that fixed next year.

-Man, you folks who don't like Christmas music REALLY don't like it. It's cool, but some of you are a little on the mean side. I've been yelled at and called names this year for playing/singing these songs. Hey, it's December, get used to it. You don't have to join in, but let the rest of us have our fun, okay? We can all keep Christmas in our own way.

-Speaking of, I'd like to address the parents who don't let their kids do the Santa thing. It's your business how you run your household and although I disagree I respect your decision. We could go back and forth on which is better or healthier for the kids and maybe there is no definitive answer. So while you all might not be wrong, you're not entirely right either.

Now, most people on the "no Santa" side are perfectly logical and tell their children not to ruin things for other kids. I have no problem with these people. But I notice more and more are getting this air of superiority about them and are being smug about it. I have witnessed people calling out parents of Santa believers in front of the kids. This is over the line and unacceptable. Remember that whole "peace on Earth, good will to men" thing? That applies here. Follow the rule, people. We're all peace loving big hearted elves at Christmas...but if you're gonna be an asshole you deserve what you get.

-Since I work in retail the question of what to say this time of year comes up. We are a store with mostly Christian employees and a large Christian base, but we are located in a largely Jewish area. If I know the customer or am wished a Merry Christmas first then the choice is easy. However, sometimes you want to do the expected holiday greeting but can't risk offending someone spending hundreds of dollars in your store. So I've been saying "Enjoy your Holiday." This way I'm being nice and noncommittal to play things safe, and it personalises the greeting as well. I think it could catch on.

-Some misconceptions about the Christmas story (Jesus, not Ralphie), cleared up as a public service:

 1. The wise men were not there at the manger. It took them many months, if not years to reach Jerusalem. Pastor Mike Schreiner suggests you move the wise men about 200 yards away from the manger in your home Nativity scene for accuracy. I think that's a little much, but mine are on the far side of the mantle, just in case he comes by.

2. The wise men were not kings. They were astronomers. Wise men. Not sure how they became kings.

3.Oh, and there weren't necessarily three of them either. Three gifts are mentioned, not three people. In reality, the wise men were probably accompanied by servants, navigators and other traveling companions. Don't forget, these were important people coming to honor a new king. Their party would have been most impressive. Some estimates put the number at several hundred. No wonder Herod was nervous.

4. There probably wasn't a drummer there either. There may have been a long eared donkey, but no parent in their right mind would allow drumming anywhere near a baby who wanted to sleep. Not even Gene Kroupa.

-Looks like no white Christmas for STL this year. For an area of the country that is getting warmer in general and receiving less snowfall overall we've had a handful over the last 10 years or so. It's okay with me, I don't like snow, but I can see why people want one. It's traditional. Bing Crosby told us we should want them. And Irving Berlin told Bing, and he should know since he was Jewish and celebrated Hanukkah.*

-Best Scrooge performance ever? Alastair Sim. Followed closely by Scrooge McDuck (it's in his name, man!), Albert Finney, Michael Caine and then George C. Scott. In that order.

Alright, that's all I've got to say for now. Except this. Whatever your Christmas celebrations or traditions might be, try to remember others this year. And give props to Jesus Christ, without whom we'd just have another cold day in December.


*Please don't misinterpret that as a racist joke, that's not the intent. I just think it's an interesting point.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Really and Truly Sorry

I have had absolutely no energy or time to devote to writing lately. I feel bad. I need the outlet, and a few people actually used to read this thing. Sorry. Christmas is coming, I'll probably have some thoughts on that. So that's something to look forward to. Haven't bought a thing yet, although my wife is done with her shopping as of last week. Oops. Gotta get to a mall.

I've said it before, I know, but I'll try and do better. Maybe if I get more sleep...