Sunday, June 19, 2011

This post has nothing to do with Hall and Oates

I don't know why I can't seem to keep this blog up anymore. Facebook and the music blog have kinda replaced this blog, but I still want to keep it active so here we are. Let's do some updatin'!

1. So my rib has more or less healed. The constant pain is gone and it only hurts when I make a lot of big movements, do some heavier lifting, and sometimes late at night. So that's good.

2. Valerie had some surgery recently but got through just fine. She's going to be recovering for another week or two here at home, but all is well.

3. My new band with my brother, Two Hangmen, is on a slight hold due to some processing delays in the manufacture of our first EP/CD. We should be up and running soon.

4. Going on vacation soon (mid-July) to Lake Geneva Wisconsin. I'm getting excited about it. Lake Geneva is about one hour outside of Milwaukee so the plan was to spend a day in the city, but the more I look at the resort and town we may just stay where we are and go for a slightly more relaxed time.

5. Okay, getting serious here. I am going to be 39 in one month. That's one year until 40 and I have a goal to hit 40 in the same shape as I was at 35. Not a huge stretch, I'll grant you, but certainly better.

Lots of things have attributed to my current position. My rib injury for one (no reason it should have been that bad), general age, most of the folks I work with are very health conscious and exercise regularly and their influence is rubbing off. Also, I just don't feel good anymore. Part of it is my lack of sleep and a mentally draining job, but I'm just so damn out of shape. Actually I'm fairly round, which is technically a shape...but I digress.

I weighed myself last week and was shocked, shocked I tell you, to find out that I weigh only 210 lbs. Just a few years ago I weighed 135, but was thinner and had more definition. Which all means that the muscle has gone away and I have replaced it with fat. Like by roughly two pant sizes fat. Unacceptable.

So the focus will be shifting to fitness throughout the next year (and beyond!). There will be some dietary changes though I am an unabashed foodie so I'm not promising too much here, just a few smarter choices. After vacation, of course, 'cause why ruin that? But mostly I'll be doing some more physical stuff. Long walks/jogs. Push ups and crunches (too fat for sit ups). I'm also considering meeting a few times with a personal trainer to get a routine established for my body and my needs. Told ya...serious.

Again, I'm not going for super athlete here, and I'm going to be starting off slow over the next few weeks. So do me a favor and keep talking to me about it okay? Don't be rude or condescending, but a word of encouragement or two and checking up on me now and again will really help. I have to do this for my own health and for my family as well.

You know, after vacation.

Okay, that's enough for now. Tomorrow is Father's Day and I plan on eating poorly and being lazy. Ooh, and cake. Always cake on Father's Day. I'll eat better on Monday, promise.

Until next time,

P.S. There is a "before" picture taken by yours truly, but I have decided to spare you that. Unless I can show an awesome after picture down the road. Even then, it's 50/50.