Hiya! It's been a while. That happens to me sometimes. I have every intention of blogging on a regular basis but, y'know, life happens and I get tired a lot and, well, frankly I just don't have the energy at the end of the day to sit down and type. Sad, really.
But here we are. It's 10:48 pm and I'm super awake so let's do this. Here's what's been going on in Dave land.
-I have had some health issues lately. Last month I went to see a GI doctor about some digestive issues I've had for pretty much ever. I got on prescription type probiotics (not yogurt) and some vitamins and I've really noticed a difference. However, there was some concern about Barrett's esophagus. Well, my esophagus, really, but the thing they were looking for is called Barrett's.
Anyway, Barrett's esophagus is a pre cancerous condition in which tissue that is similar to the lining of your intestine replaces the tissue lining your esophogus. So I got to go have an upper endoscopy done. They knocked me out and did a biopsy on me, I had the best nap ever due to the anesthesia, and a lot more money than I was expecting later there is no concern of cancer in my esophagus at all. So yay me.
I still need to see my doctor soon about a few other things. One of which is the fact that I have lost a noticeable amount of weight without actually trying. On the one hand, it's kinda nice to need a new pair of pants and some new shirts, but I would still like to make sure it's not anything to worry about. Plus I'm exhausted most of the time and I'm beginning to wonder if the two are related. So a check up is coming. Hopefully there will be no worries but I'll keep y'all posted.
-I am typing this while listening to the official download of The Who's performance in St. Louis a few weeks back. It's sounds good.
I went to that show with my father and brother. We are all serious Who fans, and their music has been important to us all both individually and as a family. That may sound strange to some, but music has a way of bonding people together, and this is a bond we all share. I could wax poetic on The Who all night but for now I will leave it at this. The show was fantastic, with a great set list and stellar performance. I am glad I went and that I went with my family. Thanks to Pete and Roger for making the show available, for doing the show in the first place, and for everything else.
-As long as we're on the topic of music I suppose this is as good a time as any to make it official. I am making a record. It's a little over halfway done so I won't say too much about it yet. All I will say right now is that it's a big, fun, rock record and if all goes well it'll be out this summer. I will also be doing a charity tie in with purchase of the disc, so stay tuned for details. More to come.
-April is Autism Awareness month. For some reason the color chosen to represent this is blue. I don't know why either, but okay. So I'll be wearing lots of blue this month because I am aware, and I have a son who is on the very high functioning end of the spectrum. I haven't spoken too much about this on social media but I'd like to put it out there now.
Have you ever seen The Big Bang Theory T.V. show? You know the character Sheldon? That's my boy, only he's five years old and has a bit of a violent streak. Not that he means to be violent or mean, he just doesn't have the ability to communicate or control his emotions well when he is upset. The boy's got a good heart and his IQ is borderline genius but his social skills are severely lacking.
The school has an IEP set up for him where he is with assistants/paras almost all day, and he goes back and forth between his large kindergarten class and a smaller class for kids with similar issues. He is able to take sensory breaks if he needs them and has all the support he can possibly get.This is a blessing for sure.
Educationally, the boy is classified as autistic. Our insurance pays for him to go to classes for sensory/ autistic children at a special center. So for all intents and purposes, he has Autism. Except that the child Psychologist we took him to didn't give him that diagnosis, largely because when he's one on one with an adult he is funny, charming, and a smart, cool kid. So we haven't received an official diagnosis at this stage, but his Autism is pretty obvious to anyone who sees him in large group situations or with a group of kids other than his sisters. In fact, other parents of kids with Autism will come up to me after observing his behavior and talk to me about Autism. So I started wondering why he hasn't been officially diagnosed. Not that that's a bad thing, necessarily, but it's curious.
Here's what I think is the deal. If you research Asperger's, he has pert near every symptom on the list. I mean, it's textbook. However, Asperger's is no longer a thing. It's not diagnosed anymore, especially not in children. It's like they just decided it isn't real, or was just a dream, like on Dallas. Now, I'm not sure who "they" are in this scenario exactly. It's either the medical profession or the insurance companies. If I were a betting man, my money would be on the latter.
So anyway, that's where we are. My son doesn't have a label to follow him around, which is good. As long as that fact doesn't prevent him from getting any of the help or services he needs (and so far it hasn't) I suppose all is as`well as it can be.
-Okay,that got long, but I got a few things off my mind so that's nice. Also it's after midnight and the concert is over so it's bedtime.
Thanks for reading, those of you who do. Love y'all. Back soon.