Monday, October 6, 2008



My computer is working consistently enough that I can start blogging again!

People are beginning to realize that even though they may like Sarah Palin as a person, she's basically a whack-job who should be nowhere near the oval office.

It's been long enough since George Carlin's death that I don't feel the need to quote him in every post. From time to time, sure, but not every time.

Metallica has put out a CD that us old school fans can love, and reclaim our band. And yet, there are people complaining that the mix is too loud. That's right, Metallica is too loud. Anyone who feels this way has officially given up their right to be a card carrying rock fan. Too loud. Idiots.

The St. Louis Rams have made some personnel changes that may actually bring some wins this season. Well, probably not but a guy can dream, right?

Blue Tattoo is making moves to get some gigs around town. It's high time we let people know we're here...and we're awesome.

Autumn (why is there an "n" in that word?) has arrived, which means that jacket weather is coming...and I love jacket weather. Not coat weather...jackets. Also, it means that Thanksgiving (and the family reunion on my Mom's side) is on its way. This will be the first time that most of these people meet my daughter Tessa. I'm just going to hand her off to the first person I see, eat all day, and pick her up when I leave. Good times. It also means Christmas is coming soon...but more on that later.

The new T.V. season has started. I watch more shows lately than I think I ever have. So is television getting better, or am I less selective? How does one decide? I'll have to do a study on that topic sometime. When nothing's on.

And finally...

I've run out of stuff to type.

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