Monday, January 12, 2009


Today I am sick.

I started feeling bad yesterday, mostly my head. When I got up this morning I felt a little better once I showered and all. Then on my way to work I started feeling dizzy, and my stomach was doing flips. So I pulled off of the highway, called in sick and went home.

After sleeping on and off all day, drinking orange juice and watching a Marx Bros. documentary during lunch I feel better this evening. I plan on going in to work and having a normal day tomorrow, but dude, this morning sucked.

So on my last blog I mentioned printing up my New Year's resolutions list. I don't treat them as actual resolutions, and I'm not dumb enough to think that I'll really keep all of them. However, I think it;s nice to occasionally look at your life and find some things to work on, and this is as good a time as any. I also like to throw in a few easy/fun ones to keep it simple and feel better about myself. So here we go, in no particular order

My Resolnewyearlations 2009:
(That's a Spike Jones &The City Slickers reference in case you were wondering).

1. Get some damn exercise. I don't really do any and it shows. My weight has always been an issue, but it's getting ridiculous. Now, I'm a short guy with a big frame so being skinny is not very realistic, but I've got almost an entire wardrobe that doesn't fit anymore and that's unacceptable.

2. Read The Bible. I don't spend nearly enough time reading it. I've been getting by on just a little here and there, but I want to make it a priority this year. Plus, I promised God I would last year and i totally left him hanging. I can't promise much with all the begats, but I can certainly do better than I am.

3. Continue to expand my musical horizons by exploring different genres and delving further into the history of music I enjoy. See, that's a fun one.

4. Put more time into practising playing the bass.

5. Do more work helping people. We'll just leave it at that, since I don't know exactly what form that will take yet.

6. Be more patient with people, especially strangers.

7. Watch more DVDs. That's an easy one.

8. Put more focus on Blue Tattoo to help us get as far as we can.

9. Finish reading a bunch of books that I've started.

10. Continue being the best daddy and husband I can. Scratch that, be better.

Okay, that's enough of this stuff. I'm going to bed early tonight. Sorry if this sucked, but my head hurts, and Tessa just puked so I have to go deal with that. Hey, cool, I'm already working on #10. Awesome.

1 comment:

Derek Brink said...

Don't. Be sick. For the gig.