Monday, July 20, 2009

Birthday Blog

Just had a birthday this weekend. Yay! I love birthdays.

Many people, however, do not. I don't really get that. I mean, your birthday is the one day it really is all about you, yk'now, as opposed to the other 364 days of the year when you just think it is.

Most people who don't like birthdays tend to fall into one of two categories. The first one is people who just hate the fact that they're getting older. For some reason our society is youth focused, as opposed to the way many foreign cultures operate in which the elderly are actually looked up to for their wisdom and experience. Anyway, I think it's sad that people are so uncomfortable with their own lives that they can't deal with being a year older. As if it was a crime or an embarrassment of some kind. Age is not an embarrassment until you start crapping your pants. Of course, by then you're too old to care, so where's the problem?

Hey, I miss being able to do some of the things I did when I was younger, but I'm having a really good time right now. I've got a great wife and awesome child, I've got my band, a job, and it's all going well. I'm on the downside of my thirties now and I'm happy. I don't see that changing. But some people are so insecure that the idea of age terrifies them and they don't want anyone pointing it out by doing something so kind as to wish them a happy birthday or buy them a gift. Sad. They also don't want to be a part of your celebration either. Double sad.

The other group I just don't understand at all. That's the "birthdays are for kids" group. Apparently, after you turn 18, you only get birthdays at 21, 30 , 40, 50 and 65. The supposed "important" ones. Well, newsflash for ya sparky, they're all important, because the alternative to having birthdays is being dead. Pass the cake, please.

So anyway, my birthday was pretty cool. My birthday was on Saturday, and I went to see the Old 97's play at The Pageant (great show, really energetic and fun. Plus I got a birthday discount on a t-shirt.) Then on Sunday we had family over to the house to celebrate. Upon reflection, I should have okayed the singing. I decided it could be optional, and we opted not. Turns out I kinda missed it, so next year y'all best get to singin'. Thanks to everybody for showing up and for all the gifts. It's all much appreciated.

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