Okay, so I've been trying to figure out something to blog about that will top the last one. I have come to the conclusion that I probably can't. Therefore, I'm not even going to try. Here's a bunch of random crap.
I am currently watching the football kick-off game. NBC just used a full three minutes and five seconds to promote Jay Leno's new show. I'm already sick of it and want it to fail-just because of the hype. Then they showed a commercial for Hardee's fried bologna biscuit which is kind of appropriate and made me hungry.
Speaking of television, the MDA telethon was last week. It actually wasn't too bad this year considering. Jerry Lewis was actually in pretty good form for an old guy, and apart from an unusually high number of Beatles songs being ruined by what passes for talent on that show it went fairly smoothly. Well, at least until the last couple of hours when everything kinda slows down and people are too tired to think, much less perform.
A few things stuck out to me:
1. A few hours in, the band WAR payed, who look and sound like this: http://www.wartheband.com/. For about a second and a half I thought Jerry introduced GWAR, who look and sound like this: http://www.gwar.net/. I almost pooped. How much fun would that have been?!!
2. Ric Flair showed up which was awkward. And awesome.
3. There's a guy named Auggie who comes on every year. He suffers from ALS and we have basically been watching him deteriorate over the past several years. He's the guy who started the Club Fitness chain and now he's lost the use of not only his limbs but also his voice. It's a sad story, and each year his wife and son come out with him to help raise awareness for ALS. Used to be he'd do his best to say something to the camera, now he can't even mumble. He just cried. Sad.
Here's the thing, during the Sunday night part of the show, hours before Auggie came on stage, I was inspired to write a song about ALS. After it was written I briefly thought it should be dedicated to the Augster but decided against it. Then on Monday afternoon, they surprised him by premiering a song written for him by the guy from Five For Fighting, who I refuse to link to. I was annoyed by the whole thing. Five For Fighting suck, the song sucks, and so does the guy who wrote it. Auggie deserves better. I'm not saying mine is brilliant (and it isn't even about him actually), but come on, Five For Fighting? Really?
There have been three more commercials for The Jay Leno show since I started typing this.
I vote we change the expression to "Honky Dory." No real reason, it just makes me giggle.
Valerie and I were given free tickets to the Cardinal's game tomorrow night, but can't find a sitter. I'm not a big baseball fan, but Valerie likes it. I like spending time with my wife, and as long as the game isn't too long and I can eat crappy stadium food (and I mean that in the nicest way possible), it can be an enjoyable evening. It doesn't look as though we will be attending unless a babysitter comes through soon. It's okay, the tickets were free, but it seems a shame to waste them. I put in a call to some friends but so far no takers either. And I got them from my uncle (hi Ron!) who also got them for free and can't use them either. Sometimes things just don't work out.
Good Lord, another Leno commercial. This is driving me crazy. I'm gonna go eat bologna and see if the Steelers can't get it done and beat the crap out of the Titans here in the fourth quarter.
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