Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Really and Truly Sorry

I have had absolutely no energy or time to devote to writing lately. I feel bad. I need the outlet, and a few people actually used to read this thing. Sorry. Christmas is coming, I'll probably have some thoughts on that. So that's something to look forward to. Haven't bought a thing yet, although my wife is done with her shopping as of last week. Oops. Gotta get to a mall.

I've said it before, I know, but I'll try and do better. Maybe if I get more sleep...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it helps, I still peek in every day, so I'm actually happy to see a new post, even if it's one about how you never post. And also, if it helps, in my hard-to-shop-for world, I'm just happy you made the effort. You don't have to knock my Christmas socks off. I'd be happy with an IOU. :)