Well, as soon as I put it in print, I've decided to change track. The two vehicles listed last time, fine though they are, may not be in the running anymore.
With three kids and all that they entail price wise (not to mention the new washing machine we suddenly found ourselves in need of), I have realised the need to broaden my thinking. Instead of looking at one or two vehicles and trying to make them work I need to look at what's out there and available, and buy the best car for my family. I've got a few more ideas of what that vehicle might be, but I'm not about to publish them and have to write another version of this post.
I will say though that I'm leaning towards finding a sedan that would work. Not that there's anything wrong with SUVs, and I haven't ruled them out by any means. If an SUV seems to be the right choice I'll go that route. But the thing is, I've always been a small car guy. I had one hatchback wagon that I bought for a job (totaled it) and the SUV/truck thing I drive now, which I only bought because of its uniqueness. It was so unique they stopped making it. The rest of my cars have been small.
Now, I can't go too small with three kids. After all, they can't ride in the trunk. But they are making car seats for smaller cars these days. And lots of sedans have plenty of room for three in back. Plus, I really do miss a car's agility and peppiness compared to an SUV's handling. But time will tell.
So that's where everything is now. More to come.
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