Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The State Of Me

It's been much longer than I ever intended since my last blog post. I've had a few things I have wanted to blog about but not much time to do so, or motivation to organize my thoughts. So I'm lumping some of them together here, with helpful section headers so you can skip anything you don't want to read. You're welcome.


I have officially started to feel old. Not all the time, mind you. And I'm not super old or anything, but the signs are starting to show. Apart from the grey in the beard, that is, which as we all know is sophisticated and not old. Right?

For example, every day when I wake up something different hurts. I'm getting aches in places I didn't know had places. Most often it's my back that hurts, or my shoulder, or feet, or weird muscular things around my middle. I also suspect that my fat hurts, but I can't verify that.

Also, I am falling asleep on the couch. Not every once in a while, more like every time I sit on it. My wife blames the couch but I know it's really me. Thanks for being supportive honey, but I'm just getting old(er). At least I'm not trying to pull that whole "resting my eyes" jazz. I fall asleep every evening for about 20 minutes or so and them I'm awake for another hour or two. I have missed the ending/middle of so many shows...

Finally, I am getting forgetful. When the kids were babies I blamed them but that excuse only goes so far. I just can't remember things anymore. And I'm not talking about forgetting a conversation from a few days ago or an upcoming event on the calendar. I can't remember, like, earlier. Today. I know, I know, "take the Ginko Biloba, it really helps" you say. And you are probably correct. Well, for your information I happen to have some here at the house. I just can't remember to take it.


I HAVE BECOME MORE INVOLVED IN MY CHURCH. Sorry, forgot to take off the Caps Lock.

I have become more involved in my church. This is a good thing. Fortunately, the church staff is full of good people who are quite supportive and encouraging. For the first time in a long time I feel I am with a group of people where I belong. The culture of the church is very open, welcoming, and community minded. Most churches talk about caring for others, few of them put it into action and actually build the church around that idea. God is doing great things and I am happy and humbled to be a part of it.

Which brings me to the point. I have always heard talk of God having a plan for His people. I've just never really understood that. I never really knew exactly what it meant, what it looked like, or how I was supposed to find my place in this plan. But I think I'm starting to.

See, this whole Christianity thing is a life long process. And I started late. There is still so much left for me to learn and experience. But I am taking steps to get to where I am supposed to be. Baby steps maybe, but at least I'm moving. I am learning how to use my talents for God, not just for me. And every time I accomplish something in that regard, be it some writing, being involved in Guest Services at the church, or being part of the service itself, I want to do more. This is new and exciting for me and I am interested to see how it all goes and where it all leads. I am nowhere near perfect and struggle daily with even being able to act like a follower. steps.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention the church itself. Check out The Way (United Methodist) online at to see what I've been on about. Thanks.


Norm Core

Yes, that is a thing. And it annoys me. If I understand it correctly, it's a fashion type movement in which folks go out of their way to look non-descript. The style is the absence of style. Except that most of the people involved are still wearing designer brands, just in a bland, boring way.

So basically the Hipsters have finally run out of ideas.


Is the name of my band. Contrary to what one may think by the above section, no, we are not a Christian band. We are mostly secular in nature and subject matter. All three members are believers so some of the religious stuff sneaks in around the edges, but so do some adult words and snotty rock and roll attitudes. That's part of the whole not being perfect thing I was talking about a few paragraphs back.

Anyway, we're recording and hope to have some stuff online for y'all to listen to soon. So yay.


Okay, that got way longer than it was supposed to which is par for me. There's more but, next time.
See ya.

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