Sunday, August 2, 2015


There's a lot going on.

I mean, really. There are just so many big issues out there now, I don't know where to begin. More importantly, I don't know how to address all of them.

You see, in the past I would just spew out any opinions or emotionally charged reactions and arguments I had and I didn't really care who's toes I stepped on, whether or not I offended anyone, or how the words came out sounding to my readers. I just thought people would deal with what they read, like it or lump it, and if they didn't agree or couldn't take my sense of humor they weren't worth my time.

Things have changed. I have matured quite a bit over the years (no really, I have. Stop snickering!)  and I care more now about how I communicate. I no longer wish to just beat people up with my opinions and I am more willing to listen to the other side. Provided that the dialogue remains respectful I am happy to have conversations about sticky topics. Which is not to say that I will always be crystal clear in my writings or that I won't push some buttons or get up on my high horse now and again. What's changing, however, is that I no longer want to purposefully write or communicate from that perspective.

An unforseen side effect of all this is that I have found myself saying very little or nothing at all in any sort of public forum. And that's just not me. It's time I start talking again for better or worse.

So, I shall be writing about some serious stuff here soon, after I organize my thoughts a little better. My ideas and world view may still offend and step on some toes, but I hope to present my arguments in a rational way that invites thought and productive dialogue. Although I reseve the right to a snarky comment here or there, but I'll try to back them up as best as possible and keep them to a minimum.

There you have it. This is both the disclaimer and intro to the next few blog entries coming your way. Stick with me and maybe we'll all come out the other side with more understanding and respect for one another. Sorry if that sounds hippie. What I mean is, let's stay taco bros. And, um, salsa sisters? ...I dunno, I gotta work on that.

Blog ya later.

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