Monday, October 2, 2017

On the Mass Shooting in Vegas

It's happened again folks. Another mass shooting right here in the good old US of A. I'm not going to address the particulars here. No stats or figures coming out this time. I'd like to discuss this from a slightly different perspective.

I have been following the chatter on social media all day. The following statement (or variations of it, anyway) has been a recurring theme. The idea is that no amount of thoughts nor prayer is going to change what happened, or stop this type of tragedy from reoccurring. What is required is action, not words.

This is undeniably true. Yet, it is also a bit short sighted as I believe that thoughts and prayers have their place. Especially now.

First of all, we must think about what's happening here. Knee jerk reactions won't solve anything, and the answers we seek can only come from much deliberation about our laws and our society as a whole. Difficult conversations have to happen and true, meaningful, lasting action can only happen after we look this problem (and each other) square in the eye and deal with it.

But you knew that already. So let's shift our focus to prayer.

If you pray, do so. It's okay to pray. Lift this problem up before your God and pray, pray, pray. But let me ask you this:

What are you praying for?

Look, it's all fine and well to pray for the victims of this attack, the survivors and their families. We should pray for their safety, health, well being, and that God may bring His peace to them. We should also pray the same for the first responders, witness, and all affected.

But that's not enough. I will be praying for more. This is my prayer. 

I shall pray:

-For a turning of the hearts and minds of those who would do harm to others.

-For real, common sense solutions that do not completely destroy constitutional rights, but help maintain the safety of all Americans.

-For a government that will no longer be beholden to special interests.

-For an awakening to the problems and dangers of mental illness, and compassionate, helpful solutions to those problems,

-For a culture and government that no longer values gun ownership and 2nd Amendment rights over the lives of citizens.

-For an end to terrorism, not only abroad, but also and especially home grown.

-For God to show his mercy to us all.

That is my prayer.

Now ask yourself: What are you praying for?

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