A couple of things I've been thinking about:
1. With John Edwards backing Barack Obama, it's officially over for Hillary Clinton. Sorry, it just is. Move on now.
2. The above has me thinking about this whole Primary election process. Usually a nominee is chosen fairly quickly but this year's elections are just dragging on. As someone who voted on Super Tuesday I can honestly say that I've gone back and forth a few times since then. So one can only imagine that people who are voting now have changed theirs too. I wonder how the voting would have gone had we all voted on Super Tuesday. Wouldn't it make more sense if we did?
Here's my idea. All fifty states should vote in one massive primary where the top two people become the candidates for their respective parties. Then, after a few months of campaigning we all vote again. At that point the nominees for each party are decided and we can get on with the business at hand of electing a new President. Doesn't it feel like we're just wasting a lot of time here?
Think about it, there's a reason we don't drag out the Presidential election, so why are we doing it now? I admit that my solution is not perfect, but it's got to be better than what we're doing.
3."I didn't know whether to shit or go blind, so I closed one eye and farted." that's the best quote I've read for a long time. Apparently Willie Nelson said it to Woody Harrelson, but I have no idea the context. I also don't know what it means. How are going blind and defecation related? My daughter poops a lot, should I be concerned? Did the one eyed fart make everything okay? What the hell was the problem in the first place? I'll probably never know, but I'm fascinated nonetheless.
4. How do the people at those home shopping channels sleep at night? I mean, I'm not against people making money but they rip people off right and left. I know because I work in a business where we buy certain used items from the public (I won't use specifics so no one gets upset). A few times a month someone brings in some items that they think are highly collectible but are basically worthless. Without fail, they bought them from t.v. Never buy from these weasels. Ever.
5. Baby puke is gross. Popsicles are awesome. I'm not sure how those things relate either.
Okay, that's enough random crap for right now. I've got some episodes of "How I Met Your Mother", "My Name Is Earl" and "The Simpsons" on the DVR to catch up on. Blog ya later.
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