Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm Back

Haven't posted here for a while now. That's mainly because I had too much going on. There have been some things I felt I shouldn't write about-and some others that I wasn't sure I wanted to, but it's time I put something up here. So this is another one of those random posts I do. Here we go.
Can't believe I didn't review the Drive-By Truckers show here yet. For those who wondered, it was really good. Nice mix of songs, 26 of them to be exact, seven from the latest CD and one (possibly two) from the new CD coming next year. There were some nice surprises in the set, like "Road Cases", "72 (This Highway's Mean)", "The Deeper In" and "Love Like This". As with any show there were a few songs I would have liked to hear (doesn't seem right to see DBT and not hear "Sinkhole"), but when a band does that many songs and eight of them are the encore, well, you can't say you didn't get your money's worth.

My only small complaint is that the show slowed down a little too much in the middle (after a hyper-fast version of "Shut Up And Get On The Plane"), oh, and the opening songs could have been flip flopped. Otherwise a great show which is only as it should be.


In other music news, my brother and I are getting closer to letting everyone hear the new band. Music and web stuff is coming soon, but I can reveal the name of the band. We are now called Two Hangmen. Right, because there are two of us.

Here's the concept. We are taking the type of material we've been writing for the past few years and stripping it down to its essence. The two of us. When we record we'll be handling all of the instruments; guitar, bass, percussion, vocals, all of it. As for playing the songs in a live setting, we'll be playing guitar and bass only. We may get a friend to sit in from time to time playing a snare drum behind us. That's drum. And maybe a cymbal. See? Stripping it down.

The music we're making is quite definitely rock, but with an alt-country vibe to it that most people who have heard the songs really seem to like. So we still have some work to do in getting everything to work within this format, but we're excited about it. We won't keep y'all waiting too long. More soon.


Got a nice bonus at work the other day. Came with a very positive review. Things have been a little stressed/nuts/tense around the ol' office lately, so it's nice to get a pat on the back and told how much you're appreciated from time to time. To me, that's more important than the actual bonus. But it was a really good bonus. The family and I are grateful.


As far as the family goes, everyone is healthy and happy, thank God. Money has gotten a little tight here lately, which one would expect with three kids in diapers. We need to tighten the belt a bit for a while, but it could be much worse. Good timing on the bonus thing, huh?


Okay, that's enough for now. It's show/auction week at work and it's one of the most taxing times of the year, so I'm pretty beat. I'll pick this up again this weekend (I hope) with the first of two or more Halloween movie blogs which I know you all look so forward to.

See ya then.

Oh, and happy birthday to Sammy Hagar. Have a shot for me, Sam.

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