Thursday, September 29, 2011

Brad Pitt Story

Haven't put anything up here for a while now, so I figured I should do something about that. I don't blog much anymore since Facebook has kinda replaced that in my life. I can just put a few sentences out there as soon as an idea hits my brain. I don't have to worry much about how to phrase my thoughts or worry about grammar or even be witty. Since we had three children  in two years (twins if you're just stumbling upon this while google searching Brad Pitt) and my free time has all but disappeared the immediacy of Facebook appeals to me.

I put Brad Pitt in bold to make this page look important for anybody who surfs here by mistake.

I also have a music blog that I'm running and that takes up some of what I used to post here. Still, it's nice to have this forum and I really should do more writing. So I suppose this blog will be changing shape to become a catch all for whatever I don't have an outlet for otherwise, and cute stories involving the kids.

Like this one.

A few days ago, there was a picture of  Brad Pitt in the newspaper. He had grown a beard for a movie role. Tessa, the three year old, asks quite innocently, "Is this you Dad?"

'Yes" I replied "that's totally me."

"No!" says Valerie, "That's not Daddy. Your mama didn't marry Brad Pitt." Then, in her sweetest, most saccharine voice she added, "I married someone even more handsome."

"Who?" Tessa asked.

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