Monday, August 24, 2009


I remember sleep. Seemed to enjoy it at the time.

I have not officially slept through the night for weeks. I know other insomniacs aren't impressed, but stick with me here.

Used to be my insomnia was the standard type like my brother has, where you just can't fall asleep (and to his credit, his is much worse than mine). It comes and goes too, so there's hope. Lately, however, it's changed. I do still stay up late not being tired, but I've also started waking up a lot during the night. Sometimes for an hour or so at a time, sometimes for about 10-15 minutes, multiple times a night. I've never done that before.

I've also become a light sleeper, which is weird because I used to be able to sleep through almost anything. Probably that's just because I'm a dad now and you learn to keep one ear out for your child. Tessa is waking up a few times a night herself because she's teething, but that's a quick fix, you just go in and rub her back for a few minutes and she calms down and goes back to sleep.

Okay, so nothing too far out of the ordinary yet, but dig this. Friday night we awoke around 2:30 to a dog barking outside. Kinda sounded like Jake. I sat up and thought I saw him in the closet, but that was just a pile of clothes. He was outside. But here's the thing, he wasn't when I went to bed. Valerie doesn't let him out overnight, that's become my job. So apparently I got the dog up, went downstairs, let him out, locked the door and went back to bed without being aware of it.

And just last night I woke up in the bathroom. I mean I had to go so it was well timed, but I didn't remember going in. Had a book and everything. So logically there's only two explanations. Either I've been drunk (which isn't likely as there's currently no alcohol in the house), or I'm sleepwalking. Again.

I had a brief period of sleepwalking as a child. I remember waking up in the living room a few times. And then there's the story my mom used to tell. She awoke to find me in the master bathroom adjoining my parent's bedroom. I was busy emptying a full tube of toothpaste into the sink. Mom quite rightly asked me what the hell I was doing. I chuckled at her (as though she were the weird one) and explained that I was looking for a place to put the mayonnaise. And then I went back to bed.

So yeah, I'm not having the best nights here lately. I'm going to try to get to sleep early tonight. Who knows, I might have some sort of Grand Adventure tonight, maybe I should rest up for it.


Anonymous said...

...well that sucks.

Anonymous said...

Working theory...

You don't seem to be doing anything unusual in your sleep. Is it possible that you've just been so tired that you get up at least MOSTLY awake, then fall back asleep and just don't remember getting up?