Thursday, January 7, 2010

Update On Stuff

Here's a bunch of stuff that's going on.

1. It's cold and it snowed. I hate both of those things. I also hate shoveling snow which I did tonight. In the dark. With my face and lower ears exposed. Risking frostbite so my trash can be picked up is a stupid necessary evil. Winter makes me grouchy.

Speaking of grouchy, I am currently watching a rerun of 1 Vs. 100. Actually Valerie is watching it, but that's not the point. The point is Oscar the grouch was just on and he got eliminated by a question that involved numbers and the alphabet. Which is ironic, and makes me happy.

2. Valerie is beginning to feel the babies kick. So her tummy is upset. Our dog Jake's tummy is upset too, but he just farts a lot. In a weird way, that evens out.

3. The Blue Tattoo CD is almost done. We should be receiving the first "tester" mix next week. Then it's just a little fine tuning and hey presto, CD time. Apart from the music end, the artwork is being compiled too. It looks like it's going to be awesome...more on that later. Watch this space.

4. In the last week I have purchased two CDs. The new Pearl Jam CD "Backspacer" is one of them...and it's very good. shoulda been on the top ten. Curse you, time restrictions!

Also picked up the Tom Petty live anthology. Got the stripped down version at Wal-Mart (evil store I know, but I needed some stuff before the snowfall and it's right by the house) for cheap. It's 4 CDs of music for twenty bucks. Not too shabby. Only about halfway through right now, and it's pretty good, but I'm a casual Petty fan at best. So some of the extended versions of songs don't really do much for me, especially the slow ones, and I'm not getting some of the cover choices. But still, there's some good stuff. Looking forward to discs 3 and 4.

There's probably more to talk about, but I'm tired and need my before bed snack. Tonight: Triscuits. Cuz we're out of cookies.

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