Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Babies

So we had an ultrasound yesterday (well, Valerie did but you know what I mean) and they measured the babies. Keep in mind this is an estimate, but at this point the boy is 6lbs. 11 oz,. and the girl is 6lbs. 6 oz. That's over 13 pounds of baby in my wife's tummy-not to mention all the extra stuff like placentas and fluids and what not that goes along with it. No wonder the woman can't walk across the room without being short of breath.

Now, I'm carting around an extra 20-30 pounds myself these days and I can make it across the room just fine. But then to be fair, my extra weight is a little more evenly distributed. Also, it doesn't kick me.

For those of you keeping track Valerie is currently 34 weeks pregnant. The doctors want her to keep the babies in for as close to 38 weeks as possible. This is, of course, the best thing for the health and welfare of the twins. This way, we'll know that they are mature enough to come out and not be in the NICU. The only question is the health and welfare of Valerie. At this point of the pregnancy the babies are gaining about half a pond a week. Each. We could be talking 8-9 pound twins here. Talk about feeling miserable.

If she's having trouble catching her breath now, she'll need oxygen by the time these babies come out! The doctor said that shortness of breath is normal and okay. Really? Last I heard, not being able to breathe is not generally considered "okay", but what do I know? I'm not a doctor. I didn't go to Med school (Community college baby!), so I'm just operating on a goofy little thing called common sense. Which is probably why I don't understand the world most of the time.

Anyway, everything is going well with the pregnancy, and Valerie shows absolutely no signs of going into labor anytime soon. So the "Preliminary Date" for the scheduled c-section is May 17th. This can still change, but that's where we are right now.

As always, any prayers, good wishes and positive vibes you can send our way are welcome and appreciated. We'll keep y'all posted. I'll try to post something funny or ranty here next time.
For now, sleep.

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