Thursday, April 29, 2010


We haven't had Internet access here at the house for a few days. Turns out the problem was our Internet router. The Internet guy our provider sent said we needed a new one. So we bought one. Then Valerie found the troubleshooting instructions and fixed the router we already had. Way to go CenturyLink!

So anyway, here's a story for you.

On Wednesday I took Jake to the dog groomer and, to give Valerie a break, I took Tessa with me. She and Jake both enjoyed riding in the van together and it was a fun time. Until we actually got there. Jake, being a sensitive dog, doesn't like going to the groomer, and being a sensible dog he resisted going into the grooming area. He was whining and resisting as much as possible. After a minute or so of this I was finally able to literally push him across the floor behind the desk. And then I turned around and saw Tessa. Her face was crumbling and she was .02 seconds from completely losing it.

Ah. Crap. Unforeseen complication. Before I was able to get a sentence out she bursts out screaming.

"Jake! Jake!"

"It's okay, honey, he's just getting his hair cut." I picked her up and headed for the van.

"No cut hair Daddy! Jake! Get Jake!"

"But honey, he needs his hair cut. That's why 'we brought him here. We'll come back and get him, Daddy promises." I also explained that I was going to get a haircut that day too. She didn't give a rat's. Shows you the pecking order.

I then began to put her in the van. Much screaming and contorting (to avoid getting into her car seat) came from Tessa, all while in front of the groomers, which happens to be next to the DMV, which happened to have a line outside the door waiting for them to open. "Sweetie," I assured her, "It's okay to leave the dog at the groomer." No dice. She still screamed and the people in line laughed. Which was kinda rude, but probably the most pleasant thing that can happen at the DMV so I let it slide.

Anyway the whole ride back to the house she was screaming at the top of her lungs, pointing back behind her, saying "That way, Daddy! That way! My Jake!"

So, the lesson here is to explain what we're going to do before we do it, or leave Tessa at home when it comes to Jake stuff. It all worked out. Jake's fur is cut and he's back home. When she saw Jake she ran up to him and hugged him. "I missed you Jake." Awww. Sweet moment.
Totally not worth the screaming.

So that was Wednesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How the hell did you highlight the word "to?!?"