Sunday, September 26, 2010

Just Some Stuff

A few random disconnected and disjointed thoughts floating around in my noggin.

-Rams won one today. Doesn't happen too often 'round these parts, so you gotta dig it when it does.

-Kings Of Leon did a make up show here in St. Louis the other night. I heard it was average at best, and kinda short. They also showed up at the Rams game today and were introduced over the P.A. and shown on the big screens. People booed. Made me happy.

- Last football thing: Donovan McNabb needs to put some weight back on. I've seen him play twice this year and it seems that getting skinny has thrown off his balance or something. He's just not himself-and I like the guy. Just, seriously, have some ding-dongs or something. The man looks friggin' gaunt.

-Drive By Truckers are in town on Saturday. Once again I'll be there, this time with Valerie, Derek and Dad all in tow. I finally e-mailed the web site about naming my son Patterson. Maybe there'll be a response (hopefully positive), and maybe not. Either way, I thought I should share.

-Valerie and I had our first official date last night, one with just the two of us, since the babies were born. That was nice, we should do it more often. Went to dinner and a movie. Saw "The Other Guys" with Will Ferrell. Decent flick, pretty funny and a little bit better story than I expected. The best thing about it though is that Michael Keaton is in it. Always good to see that guy pop up in something.
Movies, by the way, have gotten ridiculously expensive in the past year or so since we stopped going. Really makes you do your research before you go.

-Speaking of movies, it's almost October which means horror movies aplenty for me and a blog post for you coming soon.

-Woke up this morning with a charley horse. Leg still hurts, and stairs suck. This used to happen to Valerie a lot. Sorry I didn't take it more seriously.

-Tessa has learned to mock me. More on that next time.

-Only three months til Christmas.

-Haven't mentioned Melody yet so...Melody.

-Read a lot from the second "Bloom County" collection I mentioned here a while back. I read it just before bed with a glass of milk and a snack. Had to stop, started dreaming about Opus and Milo. That's nuts, and a little disturbing.

-I wake up with a different song in my head every day. Last week I had both "The Hustle"by whoever that's by, and "Mmm Mmm Mmm" by the Crash Test Dummies. You tell me which is worse. Mornings suck.

Awright, that's enough. I'll try to get back into the swing of things with this whole blog deal soon.

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