Friday, September 17, 2010

Long Time No Type

Been a while since I posted anything here. No real reason, just been a little tired at night lately and haven't had the time. I'm here now though, and I suppose the best way to do this is to get random so let's go.

1. Jackie Joyner Kersey came into the store today. Kinda cool. she posed for pictures with people, and upon my telling her about Valerie's love of the Olympics offered to bring back an autographed picture. Nice lady and a class act. Also really tall.

2. My father is on a blues vacation right now, traveling through the Delta from Memphis to Tupelo. He's going to be visiting some cool sites and obviously hearing some good music. A big highlight will be the Robert Johnson museum (located at a crossroads, maybe?) and Stax records if he can fit it in. Sounds pretty cool. Hope he's having a great time.

3. In other family news, my second (?) cousin Ray died last week. I didn't really know him, but family is family. Condolences to all. Rest in peace Ray.

4. Also it appears that my Great Aunt Marguerite isn't doing well, so prayers for her.

5. In happier family news my brother Derek and I are going to be able to reveal the info about our newest band soon. New name, new presentation, some new songs. Same us. Well, three out of four ain't bad. Ha. Seriously though, I'm very excited about this whole thing and I think people will dig it. Watch this space for details.

That's it for now. Back soon.

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