Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Blog Is Up

So my new blog, "Words About Music" is up now. Click on the link to see it. Pretty bare bones so far, I have some ideas to spice up the cosmetics but they'll come with time.

Thanks for visiting. I've got more to post soon, maybe while we're all snowed in.

Your pal,

Saturday, January 29, 2011

This Week's Update-New Stuff

As mentioned last time, I have started a new music based blog. Coming up with a name was difficult. I tried to be clever about it. I tried being funny (or punny I guess). I tried referencing songs/albums by my favorite artists. I tried pretty much every suggestion people made to me. They were all either taken, or there was something too similar out there. So I finally decided to stop being clever and just go with the straight forward, obvious title. It's not the best but the name short and to the point (unlike this post). Ready for the name?

"Words About Music."

That's it. There ya go. Nothing's up yet but there will be content soon so check in over the next few days.

Some family news:

Today Tessa went with Mommy and Grandma to see Sesame Street Live. She had a wonderful time. She was well behaved, participated when prompted and came home spouting some of the dialogue between Oscar and Elmo. Her highlight was that the seats were close to the stage so when the characters came out into the crowd she got a handshake from Grover, a high-five from Telly monster and a hug from Prairie Dawn. Awesome. And I have yet to meet anybody from the Drive-By Truckers.

And in other news: I have been forgetting stuff lately. Mostly small stuff. Except for Thursday when I forgot to feed the twins. Okay, I didn't entirely forget to feed them. I just forgot the supplemental bottles in between regular feedings. I gave them the high-chair stuff, just not the bottles. Y'know...the stuff I've been feeding them since day one. And I was actually wondering why the kids wouldn't sleep and were fussy all day. Everybody's fine, so it's kinda funny but definitely not a proud dad moment.

And that'll do it. Bye.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Update

1. Remember that experiment I started in September to see if I could get by with only cutting my hair twice a year? Well, I can't. Got it cut short this week. I still have my hair, it's just too thin to pull off the long thing anymore. Started looking kinda goofy, so it's back to the short style. Experiment failed.

2. However, a new experiment is about to begin. I have been putting together ideas for a new music based blog. I think I've decided on a name (thanks to my brother who suggested it), and I'm playing with the structure and content now. Hopefully it'll be up soon and I'll post a link here for anyone interested.

3. Okay, T.V. Viewers and People Of Impeccable Taste, sing along if you know it:

"Alan Bra-dy
A-A-A-lan Bra-a-a-a-a-a-dy
A-alan Brady

Ran into an awesome sale at Barnes And Noble last night (buy 2 DVD get 1 free) and purchased seasons 1-3 of the Dick Van Dyke Show. I haven't seen them for sale anywhere recently and jumped at the chance to grab these sets up. The Dick Van Dyke Show is without question one of the funniest television shows of all time (easily top 5 for me). It has been out of National syndication for a few years now, but they'll always have a place on my TV set. Super excited for this one.

4. Speaking of last night, thanks to Dad and Susan for watching the kids so Valerie and I could go out together sans children for once.

5. The babies are getting more mobile. Patterson is close to crawling and Melody will be walking within a month. I may never sit or have peace again.

6. Recording on the oft-mentioned "Two Hangmen" project begins soon.

And that's about it.

Oh yeah, almost forgot:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Grumpy New Year

Another New Year is upon us. Winter makes me grumpy. So here's a list of stuff that I've been annoyed by lately.

1. People who come into a crowded room on a freezing cold day and say "Brr" loud enough for everyone to hear. Okay, first of all "brr" is not a word. Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure that in the English language you need vowels to have a word. "Brr" is just a noise. Don't make noises at me. Also, what's the point of saying "Brr" to begin with? Do these people think that they're actually doing us some sort of service by using this non word as way of informing us that it's cold outside? We all know. It's cold. Shut up, move on.

2. Guys who upon first meeting me call me chief. This has happened at work three times in the past month. I don't like it. Chief, really? I'm okay with most generalities so call me something else. Like "guy", "pardner", "man", "dude", "buddy" or "pal" would all be fine. Or, here's an idea, how about "sir?" These are all things I would be comfortable calling you upon our first meeting. Unless you call me "chief ." Then I will call you "jackass."

3. Okay, this one is Internet specific. anyone who comments on a thread (usually about movies) with the following: "___________ does not exist in this dojo." If that's the most intelligent thing you can come up with...if that's as funny as you get then you don't deserve the Internet.

Wow, that was a short list. This was supposed to be a longer posting. Maybe that should be #4.

After re-reading this for spellcheck and editing I feel it only proper that this post be dedicated to George Carlin. you can't shake your influences.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Still Here

Haven't done this for a while. Been all Facebook-y. I have stuff to say but not much time to say it in. The babies don't give me a lot of time on my own, and when I do have it I'm usually doing chores. Which I'm about to go do now. Although I hear Melody crying in the background so...

Gotta go. Just checking in. Back soon.